Small Wars Journal

civil war

Keep Calm and Carry On: Neither “Private Armies” nor “Foreign Forces” are Heading Up the Potomac

Wed, 11/06/2019 - 9:30am
Recently Professor Mary McCord published an essay in which she rhetorically re-makes the reality of a scattered collection of rag-tag right-wingers who call themselves “militias” into potent “private armies” akin to what she calls “foreign forces prepar[ing] for potential violence.” Regrettably, Professor McCord‘s essay lacks a sufficient military perspective to adequately gauge the true nature of the threats.

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On the Verge of Civil War-Iraq Post Protests

Wed, 10/30/2019 - 2:22pm
Protests in Iraq continue despite the harsh measures against those participating. Starting Thursday night, October 24th, crowds of protesters in Baghdad, Babel and Nasiriyah gathered to prepare for more protests. The vast majority of those participating according to the field reports, were males between 15-35 years old. Then Friday morning protests started again in earnest, renewing calls for reform and action. This time both men and women and high school aged boys and girls, joined the protests.

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The Syrian Army's Switch to Murder Peter J. Munson Mon, 10/01/2012 - 5:30am

The Syrian regime’s use of shelling and aircraft are now being complimented with wholesale executions in rebel-controlled neighborhoods.