Small Wars Journal


D-Day 1944 - The Sausages are Stuffed SWJED Sun, 06/02/2019 - 7:59am
This Thursday, 75 years ago, most of the troops earmarked for the invasion of Normandy made their final pre-deployment movement into the “Sausages.” They would reside within them until called to mount their transport aircraft or board their ships for what would be the largest single purpose operation of our civilization. Here, they would mentally prepare themselves for what lay ahead. It was not particularly pretty, but the program was singularly effective.
The Good Vibrations of D-Day SWJED Wed, 05/24/2017 - 1:11pm

The invasion began with subtle sounds and vibrations on cat’s paws growing to crescendo.  We remember and depict the crescendos but forget the subtlety of sounds that brought it all together.